A British young researcher has managed to stop the spread of Ransomware virus that has struck hundreds of organizations and bodies around the world just by luck, The only 22-year-old boy was able to stop the spread of the virus, when he found what appeared to be a "Killer Code" in the instructions of malware. He was hailed as the "hero of chance". The young man was nicknamed Malwertek", was able to solve the problem during a week's leave of work, deciding to spend his vication in investigating the global cyber attack. The young man said that he managed to stop the spread of the virus by accident after spending several nights on the investigation, stressing that "I did not close my eyelid for days" until the solution was found. He confirmed that his boss had given him another week of vacation to make up for his vacation in search of a solution to the problem of cyber attack.
The solution found by the young British does not repair the damage caused by the electronic attack but it prevents it from spreading to new computers.​
Only 10 Euros stopped the virus​.
In details, the young researcher has noticed that malware tries to connect to a specific Web address each time it hits a new computer. That web address is a long mixture of characters and is not registered (iuqerfsodp9ifjaposdfjhgosurijfaewrwergwea.com). The "coincidence hero" decided to register that website for only about 10 Euros giving him an idea of ​​the spread of Ransomware virus.Although many organizations and institutions in Europe and Asia have been affected by the virus, once the young man has reserved the domain name and purchased it, he has managed to stop the spread of the virus.​
​This wave of cyber-attacks Ransomware as experts suggested that hackers may have benefited from a security flaw in Windows, revealed by confidential US National Security Agency (NSA) documents that have been hacked. The malicious software encrypts files of victims and forces them to pay money in the form of a PeteChoense for the decryption key.