September 24

WiFi network three times faster!


Farewell WIFI slowness!  New WiFi network three times faster than the current speed. It is known that internet networks via Wi-Fi problems are exacerbated during the conferences and sporting events, with the arrival of the audience or the public Internet connection speed gets to a very slow level. Massachusetts Institute of Technology has claimed the solution to that dilemma, and through their system named Mega MIMO algorithm that works to allow more than one router to share all of the range. In crowded places such as concerts, airports or large conference rooms, tens of routers join forces to order to allow internet for every everyone. However, the presence of many of the routers in the same place may cause some confusions leaving users in frustration due to the slow speed of the Internet. To address that problem, Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT, led by american scientist Dina Kataab, Syrian originated that their new system Mega MIMO 2.0, can provide Wi-Fi speed three times faster and to double the range covered by WIFI. Researchers has developed an algorithm and make router sends its signals, and allow many of the routers to send data in the same range in without any interference between other routers.


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