September 26

Teenager discovers a loophole in the new iPhone 7 (video)



A US teenager was able to discover a gap in Apple’s new device iPhone 7, after a few days in the market.

Motherboard technical site said the teenager (19 years) discovered that the iPhone 7 is not safe enough and vulnerable.

Luca Todesco, also known as qwertyoruiop has shows off his jailbroken iPhone 7 and was able to take full control to install applications that are prohibited by Apple.

The site published a complete record the penetration process on Twitter.

The hacker, who well known of catching smartphones gaps, that it did not take more than 24 hours to hack iPhone 7.

He explained that the new feature that the company add which the water resistance is not feasible as it only resist water spray, and the noise the phone make when working at full capacity.

This comes after the discovery of the problem of irritating noises that phone produces , and the headphones problem and its interface.



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