October 7

New Material To Save Energy A Hundred Times More!


Researchers has developed a special material that can make future devices save on energy compared to the current energy consumption. The new material includes mono layers of atoms that produce a thin slice of a magnetic polarization that can switch between positive and negative once exposed to small electric pulses. This material can be use by hardware manufacturers using that same binary concept of (0/1) that all computer currently uses. The new material named "Magnato-Electric" has electrical and magnetic properties at room temperature, which is based on "Planer Rumbeling" phenomena , and since the world's total energy  consumption is expected to grow  between 40% to 50% by 2030, this innovation is a huge step towards energy saving that nowadays appliances use. What brings the attention of the hardware makers to Multiferroic materials at at room temperature is that it requires much less energy to read and write data compared to current devices that are based on semiconductors, and the data does not disappear when you cut the electric power which makes it efficient in saving energy. John Heron the assistant professor at University of Michigan, who has worked on this material with researchers at Cornell University said "Before this work, there was one multiferroic materials that can you can control its magnetic properties using electricity"  Adding that this electric control is what attracts the interests of electronics manufactures. So it is a huge step forward. According to scientists, the new maternal need for such a small amount of energy and not losing data on power cut will open the way for devices that just need only small pulses of electricity instead of continuous power supply as it is required by current electronics which leads to a hundred times less energy.


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