September 28

Like It Is A Computer Virus .. Microsoft: We can find cancer treatment within 5 years.



Microsoft Corp. said that they can find a solution to the problem of cancer during the five to ten years, as the company is seeking to deal with  cancer like any computer virus that is attacking and then control the human body cells.

Experts at Microsoft explained, Once they do that are to be able to spot cancer cells, and even re-programmed them to convert them back as healthy cells as per the UK newspaper ‘The Independent’.

the company has established ‘The biological Computerized Unit’ that can make cells live inside computers, and then easily program or reprogram them to cure disease including cancer.


That unit uses  Advanced Computing Research, to make computers collect and analyze information about drugs and diseases including new treatments, to help cancer patients.
The team hopes to be able to use machine learning techniques to search through that huge numbers of cancer researches to better understand the behavior and how drugs work on it.

Giving the huge number of cancer researches, it make it impossible for any doctor read them all, but with computers ability to analyze and classify all the researches in a short time can provide valuable information to help specific individuals according to their case.


Computers can integrate biology, mathematics and computing which used to be separate sciences into a a single system may be the perfect solution to analyze and better understand the nature of this disease.

Chris Bishop, the head of Microsoft’s research laboratory based in Cambridge, said in his interview with ‘Fast Company’ magazine: “It may seem that biology and computing are completely separate entities,  but the complex operations that occur within cells are similar to some extent to those that occur inside computers.

He continues: “That is why a computer model can simulate and understand those complex operations, and analyze the behavior of cells and to understand what make a healthy cell to turn into cancerous cell and this understanding make easy to re-programmed that bad cell and return it back to healthy one”.

Andrew Phillips, who leads Microsoft biological computing team said  in his interview with ‘The Telegraph’,  he hope that the company can develop a system that can diagnose diseases  in less than five years, It’s a long time, but I believe it is technically possible to develop and intelligent molecular system that can diagnose diseases in 5 to 10 years. “



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