September 24

Australian scientists discover a technique to make “Terminator” possible.


The Independent, the British newspaper has said that Australian scientists were able recently to develop a technology that allows metal to change its shape subjectively to a certain degree, indicating that this may in the future allow manufactures to develop robots that can reshape as in the science fiction  series of movies “Terminator”. The newspaper also indicated that in the famous movies of this type the robot can change its shape or  slid out under the doors and can recover from any type of injuries, and this is what can be achieved in the future because of the new discovery. Scientists at the RMT University in Melbourne, put points of liquid metal in the water and found that the liquid metal can change its shape slightly. Dr. Cyrus Kalantar-Zadh, who led the research team said : "We have to amend the acid concentration of the water and the degree of salinity and found that the molten metal take some movements and alter its shape without the need for tools or external stimuli. The Independent added that "using this discovery could in the future make things to reshape on their own without outside factor or the need to use of  electricity or catalysts, these elements can change its shape to adopt better depending of the surrounding environment or the current situation. The newspaper said although we are far away from developing a robot like model "T-1000" in the famous movie, but the recent discovery made it possible not just pure fiction, especially that the metal used in the last experiment was able to form a key mass and a thin membrane that is electrical connector that  necessary to electrical circuits.


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