February 6

Airbus Aims To Test Flying Car Model By End Of 2017.


The Chief Executive Officer of Airbus has said that the group plans to test its first flying vehicle  model as the future way to avoid today's busy roads in cities by the end of the year. Airbus has established the urban air mobility unit last year to explore ideas such as personnel flying vehicles or a vehicle that simulates a helicopter that can carry a number of passengers. Tom Enders, the Airbus CEO has added "Hundred of years ago we moved transportation in cities to underground .. and now we have the technological means to go above the ground", adding that he he hopes the company will demonstrate a single person flying vehicle by year's end. 

​ Airbus is the largest manufacturer of commercial jetliners and helicopters in the world wants to invest to take advantage of the latest new technologies such as self-driving and artificial intelligence to be the leader in what will soon become the era of flying cars. He also said "If we ignore these developments, If we ignore these developments, we will be loosing this important segments of the business." A spokesman for Airbus declined to specify the amount that the company invest in this program.

The Vahana Project.​

The Airbus project Vahana is a single-passenger, self-piloted vehicle, is the Airbus concept for a flying car and first aircraft that is self-piloted that able to navigate it way though surroundings.

The Vahana model doesn’t need a runway and it self-piloted and can automatically detect and avoid obstacles and other vehicles. 


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