September 24

Seagate Introducing 60 TB’s SSD Drive.



Seagate has revealed a new Solid State Drive (SSD) with a storage capacity of an unprecedented 60 TB making it the largest capacity in the world among Solid state drives.

The American company specialized in storage solutions that  (SAS SSD) new drive is designed to help the pioneers of information technology business sector to get more value from the growing amount of data that are handled by IT developers.

Seagate has announced this in the “top of the flash memory conference” Wednesday in Santa Clara, California along with another disk with a capacity of eight terabytes, which comes the size of 3.5 inches, which is much larger than the standard size  2.5-inch for this type of drives.

Seagate stressed that “SAS” disk provides four times the capacity offered by the largest flash drive capacity currently in the market, A capacity that can accommodate four hundred million of images  on a typical platform for social networking, or 12 thousand a DVD movie.

The new drive will be available for sale over the next year, while the 8 Terabytes will be available for sale during the fourth quarter of this year, the company did not address to the price of any of the discs.

The solid state drive with a capacity of 15 Terabytes revealed by the South Korean company Samsung in March was put up for sale earlier this month at a price of ten thousand dollars.

DSS drives featuring very high speed and reliability compared to traditional hard disk drives (HDD), but the price in turn is more than double the price of conventional disks with same storage capacity.



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