December 21

6 Smart Phone Surprises You Have To Expect in 2017.

Although smartphones are significantly common, but technology imrovment did not reach the peak of creativity in this area yet. According to a report posted on The Merkle on technical matters may be the future of the best technology. "In fact we have seen in earlier this year, the publication of numerous future devices that appeal to audience and users, may pose some surprises, but it become reality in the 2017 market soon."

#​6. future improvements for VR (Virtual Reality) technology for mobile devices.

Although it may seem silly, our experience with virtual reality on mobile phones, we should not ignore the principle by any means. Various companies are working to improve the virtual reality technology for mobile phones, including "Google Daydream" platform. We are still far away from creating a virtual reality environment for productive purposes, but these things are evolving and moving towards in the right direction. Plus it remain more affordable way to experience virtual reality at home.​

#5. Foldable phones are still possible.​

It seems as if this recurring theme is for more and more each year, but fold-able smartphones are coming back to the mainstream again. Samsung is still working on the development of these devices, although there is no official date for such release. But some of the workers inside Samsung hint at a first prototype to see the light in 2017, which can turn the smartphone market upside down, but we may see smartphones that can be wrapped around our wrists in the few coming years!​

#4. Breathalyzers Smartphones.

On paper, it seems that very little number of people may used it through their daily lives. However, measuring the level of alcohol in blood through the mouth using smart phones can become useful in the right environment, as it allows anyone to discover whether or not he is drunk in a blink of an eye. The reliability of those tools is still questionable, but it is becoming the best in conducting  its functions than ever before.

#3.Smartphones Robot​s.

Do not let you emagination let you think those devices will turn immediately to the robot  as happened in "Transformers" the famous movie.It is common nowadays the robots that can be controlled by smartphone and it is very close to perform its tasks skillfully and efficiently. Some are even able to dance to music, and follow you around the house, or even play media for you. Plus it is very affordable. Who does not want a robot to hold his smartphone and make it fun to do so?​

​#2. Educational Eevices.

Although it is not technically use on smartphones, its applications can be controlled through smartphones. The educational devices, such as the Sphero is very interesting innovation. As it helps to make programming something fun and accessible. Plus it is a nice robots that can work with any of the current smartphones.

#1. Three-Dimensional camera Technology.

Perhaps it is obvious that the use of three-dimensional camera technology in smartphones as one of the most anticipated technological trends. We have not come to the 3D photography yet for many years but to get to it  may be a matter of time.  With existing dual cameras, creating 3D images should become possible. As the 3D technology is already exists, it  just need to be tweaked to fit into smartphones.



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