September 24

Only In 2021 .. Buy A Ford Car And Enjoy Sleeping On The Driver’s Seat While Driving.



If you’re a fan of sleeping while driving, It would be dangerous to do so on the driving seat .. on two conditions, to be in a Ford vehicle and not before 2021 when the car will not need a driver.

Mark Fields, CEO of automaker Ford has announced today that the company is moving forward to produce mas production of self-driving cars, which do not has driving wheel, brake pedals nor fuel by 2021.

The Executive Director has announced that his company is to invest in Velodyne LiDAR company which is the manufacturer of self-control sensors for self driven cars.


Ford also has announced the acquisition of the SAIPS company that produce learning machines, and a new partnership with computerized vision company Nirenberg Neuroscience. The announcement came through a press conference that held in the Research and Innovation Center of the Ford Motor Company in Palo Alto in California, US.

Marc said: Ford is no longer just a car maker, but has also become a transportation firm, and by 2021 consumers can enjoy self driven cars that can go through cities with no problems.

The Nirenberg technology can work side by side along with machine learning algorithms to help increase the level of self-driven cars to work in areas that dose not has 3D maps.

Ford Motor Company has teamed up with Google last April to form an alliance to regulates self-driving car industry.

Multiple companies such as Google, General Motors, Audi, Honda and Tesla and other companies are working in the field of self-driving cars, and reports said that Apple also entered the competition.


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